My name is Alana and it’s nice to meet you.
I’m a brazilian designer with a thousand references in my mind, trying to contribute with creativity in all situations, combining my passion for design with a understanding of project management.
I have a diverse background in various Design disciplines, from creating wireframes and interactive prototypes to coordinating creative teams and executing marketing and branding campaigns. i like to be envolved in every step of the process, with significant experience in both Graphic and Web Design. I use tools like Figma to optimize workflows, ensuring efficiency and cohesion in my projects. Good communication has always been a key of my approach, essential for expressing ideas clearly and promoting effective collaboration within teams.
When I’m not working, you can find me booking a trip to explore the world or watching some movie, because I like to pretend that I am a professional critic. 

Design fields

Product Design
Project Management 
Creative Direction
Graphic Design


Linkedin: /alana-siquara
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